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The Mindfulness of coffee for Jiu Jitsu

Mindfulness is a popular concept these days. The Oxford English dictionary defines mindfulness as the quality or state of being conscious or aware of something or a mental state achieved by focusing one's awareness on the present moment, while calmly acknowledging and accepting one's feelings, thoughts, and bodily sensations, used as a therapeutic technique.

Now what does this have to do with Jiu Jitsu? The short answer is, everything. In BJJ (and martial arts generally) we are under immense physical and psychological pressure. Another human might be trying to do us harm and the only way to survive is keep a cool head. Every fighter knows that the best way to lose a fight is to panic or even, on the opposite side, to see 'red'. In Jiu Jitsu you might have a 200lb man trying to turn you into a pretzel and when you are a white belt he will likely succeed. But then the magic happens when you realize there is a place for logical thought in the most dire circumstances.

There are many ways to cultivate mindful habits. The most common way is practice. The more you put yourself in situations, survive and learn you will become cumulatively more effective. This is why sparing in training is important. Every practicioner goes through this cycle just by stepping on the mats, drilling and rolling each week. Overtime you will quell your anxiety and move towards movements and tactics you've practiced ad nauseum.

Mindfulness however, can be cultivated purposefully through various meditation methods. One method I particularly appreciate is the use of ritual to ground oneself in the moment. For thousands of years tea ceremonies and incense ceremonies.habe been unbiquitos around the world. Here in the 21st century kitchen anyone with a French press or a drip filter or any other method can create a daily habit that could save your Jiu Jitsu.

This is where a good home made coffee comes in to play. You can use a ritual like making a coffee to 'ground' yourself (no pun intended). Bring yourself into the present, empty your mind, concentrating only on the ritual. Grind the beans, boil the kettle, prepare the espresso maker or filter. Use these well worn steps to help you reducing your stress levels and think only of the task. When you have done this the bonus is you also have a cup of java. I find this a great way to relax during my work day when you need 10min to gather your thoughts.

By practicing habits of being present you will help free yourself from the energy sapping racing minds that many seem to have perpetually. And everyone who has had to think their way out of a guillotine choke knows all too well, you need to be in the moment for find the best way forward.

If you want to try my Coffee mindfulness trick why not go over and try out Heel Hook Coffee. The premium coffee for grapplers and martial artists.

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